Title: September, Come Take This Heart Away Author: haitoku Series: Death Note Word Count: 132 Rating: g Spoilers: 58+ Challenge: Seasons x-posted to deathnote_fics
I had written this prior to actually viewing the challenge for this week, so it only loosly fits the theme. I hope it's acceptable. x_x;;
Title: Autumn is for Lovers… or not… Author: LadySeishou Series: Hikaru no Go Word Count: 100 Rating/Pairing: PG-13 Shindou/Touya Challenge: #19 Four Seasons
Challenge: Four Seasons Deadline: 2005/10/09, 9:00 PM PST
Because we've recently returned to my favorite season. Drabbles don't have to address all four seasons, of course--just pick one if you prefer. Or spices. Or sports. Hell, write about the hotel if you want. Just WRITE DAMN IT have fun! :D